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Articles By Dr. K. Sruti

Child dental care: Vital and viable

Date :14/05/2015

DUTCH researchers recently analysed the diets of nearly 3,000 kids aged between three and six years and found that asthma was less common in those who regularly consumed whole milk. The authors of the study, which was published in the journal Thorax, speculate that the fatty acids, vitamins and minerals in milk fat may keep the immune system healthy. Well, milk sure is a fundamental drink for children. However, that isn’t the only reason why their first set of teeth is called the milk teeth. The colour of the primary set is milky white (without any hue) unlike the permanent set, which r

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When your tooth pops out!

Date :14/05/2015

FUNNY as it may sound, there are chances that an entire tooth could pop out of its socket in the mouth as a result of a fall or other accidental means. Well, the good news is that you could have it back in place in your mouth if your’re able to preserved it well and transport it safely to your dentist within a stipulated time period. Such an injury is termed ‘avulsion’ and is three times more frequent in bys than in girls and occurs most commonly in children 7 to 11 years of age. Quite often an avulsion injury involves only a single tooth, which is mostly the central inciso

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Could these queries be yours too ?

Date :14/05/2015

HERE are a few doubts most commonly expressed. Check out if they are yours too. 1.Can I get my teeth straightened with braces, now that Im in my 40s ? By all means! Once it is ascertained that your bone support is good (with a few radiographs), your teeth may well be brought in line. And with the option of ceramic brackets now available, you are saved the embarrassment of a metallic smile. Although the treatment could take a little longer; and the orthodontist will put you on a retainer (a thin metallic wire attached to the back surfaces of the front teeth to prevent relapse), its worth the

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