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Articles By Dr. K. Sruti

Turn them White while you sleep!

Date :14/05/2015

MORE often than not, in your childhood, your mother would have asked you to count sheep to overcome insomnia. Counting sheep is simply too boring to keep worries away or to fall asleep for that matter, researchers at Oxford University have found. An eight/hour snooze is a must no matter how you manage to get it. Small warder that it’s called ‘beauty sleep’ as it rejuvenates not just your health or skin, but if you want them your teeth too! ‘At home’ teeth whitening technique A dental crown (or a cap) is a form of dental restorationwhich cups over the portion of

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Easy lies the tooth that wears a crown!

Date :14/05/2015

A LIGAMENT tear following a fall forced Trisha to take bed rest for nearly 6 weeks. The aching leg apart, she was confused as what next to do about a broken tooth which did not give toth pain but conceivably distorted her once perfect smile. Her answer lay in dental crowns. What are dental crowns and when do you need them? A dental crown (or a cap) is a form of dental restoration which cups over the portion of a tooth which lies at and above the gum line. In Comparison, dental fillings are used to fill in or cover over just a portion of a tooth, whereas a dental crown encases the entire visi

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Stressed Out Too Much? Keep an Eye on Your Teeth

Date :18/9/2019

We may be aware of the physical and psychological problems of stress, such as headaches, stomach aches, anxiety, and depression. However, most of us have no idea about how stress can affect our oral health. It is important to consider your body's early warning signs and figure out the root of the problem. Taking the necessary steps to reduce your stress can help you protect your oral health. How Can Stress Affect My Mouth? Stress can contribute to several dental disorders. Remember to keep an eye on the following disorders if you are a person with chronic stress. Teeth grinding: When y

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