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Benefits of having dental implants

Date :2020-06-23

Dental implants are artificial, substitute roots for missing teeth. They are shaped like screws and are implanted in the jawbone, where they naturally fuse into the bone. Then they become the foundation for one or more artificial teeth or crowns. Each set is individually made to suit a particular person’s teeth and match their mouth

They have been used successfully for decades and are the best and strongest option to support replacement teeth.

Benefits of a dental implant:

  1.  They are permanent. As implants are made of titanium, one of the strongest and lightest materials known to us, they will last the lifetime of the person using them.
  2.  Allow natural speech. Dentures, missing teeth, all can affect how one pronounces words. But, because implants act like natural teeth, this problem does not arise.
  3.  Dental implants preserve natural bone, and by providing stimulation, encourage the growth of bone
  4.  Change in facial structure is avoided. When teeth are lost, the loss of physical support they provide is lost, and changes occur. Implants avoid this.
  5.  They do not need any special cleaning or treatment. One just brushes them the way that one does natural teeth.
  6.  Colour matches natural teeth. As they are custom made, only a dentist will be able to tell the difference. It makes one look good and thus feel good.
  7.  The bite force is restored. As the term suggests, this is the force with which one bites. As implants are firmly embedded into the jawbone, replacing the natural root, a person can bite down with almost the same force as with natural teeth.
  8.  They are convenient. As, unlike dentures, they are permanently fixed, they let one eat all types of food. And, also lets one avoid the embarrassment of having to remove the dentures or be afraid of the dentures slipping during speaking or eating.
  9.  Provide support for other teeth. Missing teeth and the gap they leave behind can cause other teeth to shift their positions, leading in the long term to misalignment. Implants prevent that happening.

Meet Dr Trivikram, the expert cosmetic dentist and implant surgeon for your implant treatment and Dr sruti,Orthodontist and Dentofacial Orthopedist. Specialist in Lingual Braces.

Dr Trivikram's ALL SMILES DENTAL-COSMETIC DENTISTRY, 64, Shankar mutt Road, Basavanagudi, BANGALORE-560004. Ph-9845085230


Reviewd By : Dr K N Trivikram Rao
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